Category Archives: lap band

Fill #3 – When will I feel different???

Now that I am back from DC, I went in for Fill #3.  Boy did I need it, I felt like I could have eaten like a horse in DC. You can imagine my delight when I stood on the scale today to hear that I am 4 pounds down from my last fill.  Considering the fun time in DC, I was prepared for 1 up…not 4 down!

So, laid on the table, and experienced fill #3, which takes me to either 7 or 7.5cc in my band…can’t rmember and don’t have paper work in front of me.

Today and this evening I look it easy with food, as is recommended.  Tomorrow will tell if there is any restriction.  How many ccs do y’all have in your 10cc band????  Share, please.  As the days on go, I’ll keep you posted on whether or not I need to get in for Fill #4.

I may have mentioned this in the past, but at Thanksgiving I am going to Mexico for a vacay!  My goal between now and then is to be down 30 lbs.  I know I can do it…can you imagine, that will put me over 60lbs down!!!  Crazy.

In Washington DC this week…trying to be good

I’m traveling for business this week and I’m in DC.  Definitely harder to stay on track, as there are so many business meals setup.  Last evening I ordered a Filet Mignon with Asparagus.  YUM!  I immediately cut my 8 oz. in half, and one of the men at my table gladly accepted my other half.  The one thing I notice, is that people are all busy talking and eating, I don’t think anyone really noticed that my helping was much smaller than theirs.  Since I’m not public about my band, this was good news for me.  This week is filled with business dinners at exceptional restaurants, so I will have to draw on that willpower again.  That lovely lady and I are becoming closer friends….I am trying to rely on her much more than I ever had before, because even though I have not hit my sweet spot, I want to at least be going in the right direction with my weight….and that’s DOWN!

So, new girl to DC, any advise? I can see the Whitehouse from my hotel, but will need to get out a little to do some sight-seeing.

To those of you who have left a comment or 2, thank you!

I could eat a horse….

OK, I at least get the nod from my band to eat small bites, and chew well.  The nod comes as a pain to my chest…but dulled appetite…nada….I am always hungry.  I know I will get there, and that this is a journey, but hurry up and get here already  2 more weeks until my next fill…I am worried already, that my weight will have gone up over this period…CRAP!

Also, I am on the verge of drinking a Diet Pepsi….I have not had one since May 19…someone, please tell me to STOP!!!

Drink Water….Drink Water….Drink Water….Drink Water….Drink Water….Drink Water….Drink Water….

I’m going to start doing a daily countdown to my fill, so I can convince myself that my willpower can outrun my desire to eat.